Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Orange Ribbon - Edition 400!

Orange Ribbon began broadcasting on JOY around July, 1998. In the ensuing 11.5 years the program has taken a number of off-air breaks, but even allowing for those breaks, this week we celebrate the 400th edition. (Well.. actually... last week was edition 400, but for scheduling reasons we will be celebrating this important milestone this week... which is actually edition 401.)

The two original founders of the program were Kim Benton and Shanton Chang, both of whom have long since moved on. But in this weeks program we will hear a litle of the history of Orange Ribbon from Kim and Shanton, how the program began, the objectives, the issues etc. as Kim and Shanton give us an update on this history as they recall it.

But we have tried to pull together all eleven current and former Orange Ribbon presenters this week. However, some cannot be available on Wednesday evening, or are now overseas. But in one way or another, either by being present in the studio, via pre-recorded messages, or via emails, every single current and former presenter will give some thoughts on their time with the program, the highlights, the funny and/or strange things that have happened, the guests, the countries, the religions, and the topics that have been covered over 11.5 years.

Of course, we can't forget the loyal listeners who have stayed with us over the years, and over many time changes as well. We would LOVE to hear from you, our listeners on Wednesday night. The ideal would be to send us an SMS message, or an email while the program actually goes to air tomorrow (Wednesday) night. You can send an SMS message to 0427-JOY-949, or email to onair@joy.org.au. Or if you wish to send us a message in advance of the program going to air then send it to orangeribbon@joy.org.au.

We really do hope that you can join on this Wednesday evening, 16th December, at 8:00pm, and share with us some of the history and the memories of 400 editions of Orange Ribbon.

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