Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This week on Orange Ribbon - 22nd October, 2008

On last weeks program we were pleased to have Ka Fam return to being a regular on the Orange Ribbon team, after having been away for the past 3 months. And in a couple of weeks Aline will also return to the team again after having spent the past 5 months in Brisbane on a work assignment.

But just as the full team is getting back on board again, Allan is now away in Hong Kong again, and won't be back until mid November.

But the remaining team will continue presenting an interesting multicultural program to you each Wednesday evening.

On this week's program we will be chatting to Jason who is an ex army officer, and who joined the army when it was illegal to be in the armed forces if you were gay. Jason will walk us through his life in the Army, getting married, and then coming out to being gay to his fellow officers in the Army.

Please join us again at 7pm on Wednesday evening for this interesting discussion.


Unknown said...

Wonder what happened to blogs after Jason's show?

Orange Ribbon team said...

That's a perfectly good question to ask, and is an issue currently being addressed. The blog has been maintained by Allan, but he has been away in Hong Kong on holidays, and unfortunately the rest of the team have not found the time to update the blog.
Allan will be back in Melbourne from 12th November, so hopefully we will try to arrange to have it updated reglarly again.
Many thanks for reminding us.
(Orange Ribbon team)